Denton Tour de Frack – Saturday, June 6, 7:00 AM, McKenna Park

Bicyclists! I know you are radicals at heart! Please come out to McKenna Park, west side parking lot at 7:00 am this Saturday. We will take a leisurely ride down Jim Crystal Road to the frack site that Vantage Energy has strategically chosen as the spot to bring fracking back to Denton. It is about a 20-mile round trip ride.

Easy, right?

Plan to stay an hour if you can.

Please come and question together with me on this. I plan to do this many times over the summer. If you can’t make it this it this time, unfortunately, there will be another chance, I’m sure.

Once there, we will bear witness to the fracking as well as give support to activists already on the ground (literally sitting and not moving in some cases! And being arrested). Many fine Denton citizens are out there every day to protest the renewed fracking. Lets make a show from the bicyclists of Denton!

I know there are 1000’s of you 2-wheelers. I bike every day. I see you on some really wonderful, crazy contraptions! Bring ‘em out!

I have been a bicycle commuter for over 30 years and in many countries. I’m committed. Let’s do it.

Todd Ellis

For more info go to Facebook Event Page: