SUV hits cyclist on Eagle

accident aftermath from SUV striking cyclist who rode on sidewalk

Today around 5:00PM, an SUV struck a man who was cycling on Eagle Drive near Welch, mangling the bicycle, injuring the cyclist, and scattering belongings across the ground.  The injured cyclist was taken to an area hospital and is reportedly in stable condition, although a large blood stain is visible in the photo near the cloth bag and shoes.  No arrests or charges were made.

According to officers at the scene, the cyclist was riding east in the same direction as traffic, on the south sidewalk, and the SUV was traveling west on Eagle, making a left turn across the street where it hit the cyclist head-on.

In April 2010, city engineers produced a whitepaper and presentation that both suggested Eagle and Welch as possible candidates for bike lane installation.

Sidewalk riding is considered extremely dangerous by most cycling advocates, and it is studied and endlessly debated within the cycling community.  We always recommend riding in the street and avoiding the sidewalk, but it’s going to happen, especially in the absence of bike lanes and education.  Adding to the confusion, many UNT students ride on sidewalks within the campus and continue to do so off campus.  There are at least four college dormitories along Eagle, two of them carfree, so there is quite a bit of walking and biking in the vicinity.

This is a pretty hot topic, so keep the comments civil, please.

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7 thoughts on “SUV hits cyclist on Eagle

  1. James says:

    Did the SUV stop?

  2. James says:

    Looks like a bag of drum sticks on the ground?

  3. amber says:

    i hope the cyclist is okay and was wearing a helmet! is there any way we cyclists can come together to rally around this person — sending cards or making dinner or anything? thoughts?

  4. Ronnie says:

    That’s two in two months on Eagle. Something has to be done.

  5. Kati says:

    This is so tragic. How many more cyclists will have to be hurt before we get some FREAKING BIKE LANES ON THE STREETS OF DENTON!

  6. […] accident – cyclist identified In Denton on December 1, 2010 at 12:05 pm The man who was hit yesterday on Eagle drive is Mason Lyonass, a percussion performance major at UNT, aiming to get […]

  7. stephen says:

    The driver stopped. He was shaken.

    We need to get cars off the roads. We can figure out how to meet our needs without driving cars, right? We did it once before.

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