Wald basket tribute

Wald basket appreciation day

The Wald basket has a functional elegance that’s rare for something so affordable. Almost any other method of carrying stuff will cost you more. A rack and panniers, a saddle bag, a huge messenger bag. Since 1905, Wald has been making bike stuff in the US. Yeah, that’s right, before the Ford Model T came out.

Having front basket storage has been incredibly handy these last few weeks, and I’ve kept my camera, snacks, lock, and any other commonly-grabbed items in it. On the xtracycle, I can’t complain that I need more capacity, but I can appreciate having storage within reach while riding.

Cheers, Wald.


One thought on “Wald basket tribute

  1. […] Wald basket tribute by bikedenton Wald basket appreciation day The Wald basket has a functional elegance that’s rare for something so affordable. Almost any other method of carrying stuff will cost you more. A rack and panniers, a saddle bag, a huge.. […]

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